Academic Standards
bRAINMAKER courses are designed to be academically rigorous, while providing students of all ability levels the opportunity to be successful and competent in their study. We always emphasize understanding over rote memorization, and strive to guide all students to a deeper, more nuanced understanding of their mathematics.
Fall semester begins in late August and runs through the second week in December. Spring semester begins in early January and continues through mid-May. There are 32 scheduled class meetings per school year. In the event of excess weather cancellations, extra sessions may be added to the end of the spring semester at the instructor's discretion. Specific start and vacation dates will be released in late summer.
The cost of each bRAINMAKER math class is $400 per semester. There is an additional $150 registration fee per class per year, which is due upon submission of initial paperwork and is required to hold your student's space in the class. The registration fee is only refunded if the course is cancelled due to under-enrollment, or it fills before your student is enrolled. Semester fees are due prior to the first class each semester and are non-refundable. Payment should be made in cash or in check made to bRainmaker Inc. Electronic payment can also be made with Venmo.
Scholarship/Work Exchange opportunities
We are pleased to announce that starting in 2022 we will be offering a very limited number of need-based scholarship and work exchange opportunities. If you are interested in participating in one of our math programs but find them completely outside of your budget, please inquire with Dr. Swann about the availability of support or work exchange. We hope to make our classes and clubs accessible to everyone that is eager to learn, so please reach out if you feel assistance is necessary.
Homework & Grading
Successfully completing a core course such as math on a homeschool model requires strong commitment from both the parents and the student. Students can expect homework averaging four to six hours per week. Failure to complete all work in a timely fashion will greatly impede progress and make mastery of the material difficult. To fully utilize meeting time, tests are proctored by the parent at home. A short quiz related to the previous week’s homework is typically administered by the instructor each week and returned the following week.
Parents are responsible for supervising the work done outside of bRAINMAKER class sessions. Each week parents should review their student’s written homework assignments for completeness, legibility, and accuracy. For homework grading purposes, parents are provided with solutions to the assignments. The instructor collects and reviews homework each week and compiles a homework grade. Late homework submission is frowned upon.
While our grade recommendations are not binding, we assign a suggested grade at the end of each semester. Grades are calculated based on the following: 15% homework, 15% quizzes, and 70% tests.
No attendance is taken, but absences are strongly discouraged. If for some reason your student must miss a session, he or she is responsible for making up the missed material as soon as reasonably possible. Schedule permitting, Dr. Swann offers make-up sessions for an additional fee.
There are no firm deadlines for registration, but student registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to returning students and their siblings. Enrollment size will be capped at 24 students per course section. If a section is full you may opt to be added to our waitlist and contacted as an opening becomes available or a new section is opened. If a course enrollment does not reach six students, we reserve the right to cancel the course or alter the structure significantly.
​Weather Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather, we will follow the lead set by Buncombe County Schools. If they close, we will close or operate remotely. If BCSC operates on a two hour delay, check your email for a message from your instructor. And in all situations, if travel conditions are treacherous, we completely respect your decision to stay home, regardless. Be safe, and we will make up the work as needed.